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Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan

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Miyazaki Prefecture is a land blessed with a warm climate and abundant nature, thriving in agriculture and livestock industries. Renowned nationwide, high-quality products such as ripe mangoes and Miyazaki beef are celebrated as symbols of the Miyazaki brand. The region is also steeped in mythology and legends, with places like Takachiho preserving ancient history and cultural heritage. The people of Miyazaki are known for their warmth and hospitality, cherishing their local treasures and passing them on to future generations. The harmony of nature, culture, and cuisine makes Miyazaki uniquely captivating.

miyazaki map

 Prefectural capital 
  • Miyazaki City
Major Cities
  • Miyazaki city
  • Miyakonojo city
  • Nobeoka city
  • Approximately 1 million
Major Tourist Attractions and Events
  • Takachiho Gorge
  • Aoshima
  • Sunmesse Nichinan
  • Ebino Plateau
  • A warm climate with a tropical atmosphere.
Regional characteristics
  • Local chicken, mangoes, and the homeland of mythology


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